It's been awhile, yes? Life has been so unbelievably crazy I haven't been able to catch my breath. So this is me updating you on some parts of my life.
Some new things going on: my darling baby girl turned two in late January. I can not believe how fast time flies. We had a little party for her and my family and my in laws were able to hang out and do family stuff ha. Other than that, work has been crazy busy (in a good way)...especially with fashion week coming up, other opportunities to work trade shows, and do more make up artistry...I'm still trying to find time to complete it all.
All in all life is good...hectic...but good.
Oh, I have a photo-shoot coming up on Sunday so I'll be sure to post photos as soon as I can.
If you have any questions or need to contact me about anything feel free to email me or get ahold of me on this blog.
I'll be talking to you all soon, hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day and have a great week.